


  • Kawano-Kawada M, Manabe K, Ichimura H, Kimura T, Harada Y, Ikeda K, Tanaka S, Kakinuma Y, Sekito T; A PQ-loop protein Ypq2 is involved in the exchange of arginine and histidine across the vacuolar membrane of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Scientific Reports, vol.9 (1):15018 (2019) doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-51531-z.
  • Hidayati DN, Untari T, Wibowo MH, Akiyama K, Asmara W; Cloning and sequencing gB, gD, and gM genes to perform the genetic variability of bovine herpesvirus-1 from Indonesia: Veterinary World , vol. 11(9):1255-1261(2018)
  • Pongcharoen P, Kawano-Kawada M; Identification and characterization of Candida tropicalis isolated from soil of sugarcane field in Thailand for ethanol production. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, vol.23 (03) APST-23-03-01 (2018) 

  • Fujiki Y, Teshima H, Kashiwao S, Kawano-Kawada M, Ohsumi Y, Kakinuma Y, Sekito T; Functional identification of AtAVT3, a family of vacuolar amino acid transporters, in Arabidopsis. FEBS Lett., vol. 591 (1): 5-15 (2017) 

  • Yamauchi S, Wukirsari T, Ochi Y, Nishiwaki H, Nishi K, Sugahara T, Akiyama K, Kishida T; Syntheses of cytotoxic novel arctigenin derivatives bearing halogen and alkyl groups on aromatic rings. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. vol. 27(17):4199-4203 (2017)

  • Nishiwaki H, Nakazaki S, Akiyama K, Yamauchi S; Structure-Antifungal Activity Relationship of Fluorinated Dihydroguaiaretic Acid Derivatives and Preventive Activity against Alternaria alternata Japanese Pear Pathotype. J Agric Food Chem. vol. 65(31):6701-6707(2017)

  • Kawano-Kawada M, Chardwiriyapreecha S, Manabe K, Sekito T, Akiyama K, Takegawa K, Kakinuma Y; The amino-terminal hydrophilic region of the vacuolar transporter Avt3p is dispensable for the vacuolar amino acid compartmentalization of Schizosaccharomyces pombe.; Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. vol. 80 (12): 2291-2297 (2016)

  • Manabe K, Kawano-Kawada M, Ikeda K, Sekito T, Kakinuma Y. Ypq3p-dependent histidine uptake by the vacuolar membrane vesicles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., vol. 80 (6):1125-1130 (2016)
  • Kawano-Kawada M, Pongcharoen P, Kawahara R, Yasuda M, Yamasaki T, Akiyama K, Sekito T, Kakinuma Y; Vba4p, a vacuolar membrane protein, is involved in the drug resistance and vacuolar morphology of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., vol. 80(2):279-287 (2016)

  • Chardwiriyapreecha S, Manabe K, Iwaki T, Kawano-Kawada M, Sekito T, Lunprom S, Akiyama K, Takegawa K, Kakinuma Y; Functional expression and characterization of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Avt3p as a vacuolar amino acid exporter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLoS ONE, vol. 10: e0130542 (2015)
  • Junichi Tone, Ayumi Yoshimura, Kunio Manabe, Nami Murao, Takayuki Sekito, Miyuki Kawano-Kawada, Yoshimi Kakinuma Characterization of Avt1p as a vacuolar proton/amino acid antiporter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 79, 782-789 (2015)
  • Junichi Tone, Atsushi Yamanaka, Kunio Manabe, Nami Murao, Miyuki Kawano-Kawada, Takayuki Sekito, Yoshimi Kakinuma A vacuolar membrane protein Avt7p is involved in transport of amino acid and spore formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 79, 190-195 (2015)
  • Chardwiriyapreecha S, Manabe K, Iwaki T, Kawano-Kawada M, Sekito T, Lunprom S, Akiyama K, Takegawa K, Kakinuma Y.Functional Expression and Characterization of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Avt3p as a Vacuolar Amino Acid Exporter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLoS One. 2015;10(6):e0130542.
  • Lunprom S, Pongcharoen P, Sekito T, Kawano-Kawada M, Kakinuma Y, Akiyama K.Characterization of vacuolar amino acid transporter from Fusarium oxysporum in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2015 ;79(12):1972-1979.
  • Tone J, Yamanaka A, Manabe K, Murao N, Kawano-Kawada M, Sekito T, Kakinuma Y : A vacuolar membrane protein Avt7p is involved in transport of amino acid and spore formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 79(2):190-195. (2015)
  • Tone J, Yoshimura A, Manabe K, Murao N, Sekito T, Kawano-Kawada M, Kakinuma Y : Characterization of Avt1p as a vacuolar proton/amino acid antiporter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 79(5): 782-789 (2015)
  • Sekito T, Sugimoto N, Ishimoto M, Kawano-Kawada M, Akiyama K, Nishimoto S, Sugahara T, Kakinuma Y : Tributyltin induces cell cycle arrest at G1 phase in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Toxicol. Sci. 39(2):311-317. (2014)
  • Sekito T, Chardwiriyapreecha S, Sugimoto N, Ishimoto M, Kawano-Kawada M, Kakinuma Y : Vacuolar transporter Avt4 is involved in excretion of basic amino acids from the vacuoles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 78(6):969-975. (2014)
  • Sekito T, Nakamura K, Manabe K, Tone J, Sato Y, Murao N, Kawano-Kawada M, Kakinuma Y : Loss of ATP-dependent lysine uptake in the vacuolar membrane vesicles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ypq1∆ mutant. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 78(7):1199-1202. (2014)
  • Pongcharoen P, Kawano-Kawada M, Iwaki T, Sugimoto N, Sekito T, Akiyama K, Takegawa K, Kakinuma Y.: Functional Expression of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Vba2p in Vacuolar Membrane of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem.77(9):1988-1990. (2013)
  • Shimazu, M., Itaya, T., Pongcharoen, P., Sekito, T., Kawano-Kawada, M., and Kakinuma, Y. : Vba5p, a novel plasma membrane protein involved in amino acid uptake and drug sensitivity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 76(10):1993-1995.(2012)
  • Ishimoto, M., Sugimoto, N., Sekito, T., Kawano-Kawada, M., and Kakinuma, Y. : ATP-dependent export of neutral amino acids by vacuolar membrane vesicles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 76(9):1802-1804.(2012)
  • Sugimoto, N., Iwaki, T., Chardwiriyapreecha, S., Shimazu, M., Kawano, M., Sekito, T., Takegawa, K., and Kakinuma, Y. (2011) Atg22p, a vacuolar membrane protein involved in the amino acid compartmentalization of Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
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  • Akiyama, K., Iwaki, T., Sugimoto, N., Chardwiriyapreecha, S., Kawano, M., Nishimoto, S., Sugahara, T., Sekito, T., and Kakinuma, Y. (2011) Bfr1p is responsible for tributyltin resistance in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. J. Toxicol. Sci. 36:117-120.


  • Kawano-Kawada M, Kakinuma Y, Sekito T; Transport of Amino Acids across the Vacuolar Membrane of Yeast: Its Mechanism and Physiological Role. Biol Pharm Bull. vol. 41(10):1496-1501 (2018) 
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  • Sekito T., Fujiki Y., Ohsumi Y. and Kakinuma Y; Novel families of vacuolar amino acid transporters. IUBMB Life, vol. 60, 519-525 (2008)
  • Kamada Y., Sekito T. and Ohsumi Y. (2004) Autophagy in yeast: a TOR-mediated response to nutrient starvation.  Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol., 279:73-84.
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  • 関藤孝之「オートファゴソームの内膜分解と分解産物の再利用に機能する分子装置」. オートファジー 分子メカニズムの理解から病態の解明まで. 大隅良典 監修/吉森保・水島昇・中戸川仁 編集. 南山堂. p61-70. 2018年.


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